Philip Goodin has been appointed Integreon’s executive vice president, business unit leader of its litigation services effective Monday. He will work remotely from Kansas City, Missouri, the firm said. Goodin’s duties will include leading Integreon’s strategic direction and driving growth, as well as managing document review and subpoena and law enforcement compliance services. Goodin told Law360 Pulse in an interview that the role gave him the opportunity to return to the service space in the exact focus he wanted, which he calls “technology agnostic” services. “In legal, the law firms do the majority of the services,” he said. “You’ve got tech providers developing the technology and providing it, and then in between those two are the service professionals that help leverage the technology effectively in these large scale kind of problems that law firms traditionally aren’t equipped to focus on or provide solutions for. So where I live is in that gap between the technology and the legal problems to be solved.”

Goodin added that concentrating on tech-enabled services was very appealing to him. “This will be the first time in my career I can focus exclusively on that without having to take a position on what technology is going to prevail amongst all these different competing options,” he said. Goodin’s more than 20 years in the legal industry includes a combination of law firm and alternative legal services experience. His expertise includes assessing, transforming and delivering effective, efficient and tech-enabled litigation-focused solutions, the company said.

From 2001 to 2009, Goodin was an attorney at Spencer Fane, where he led innovation and data analytics initiatives and started strategic partnerships for the firm. He then moved to UnitedLex as the senior vice president of global litigation services. At UnitedLex, Goodin was in charge of developing and overseeing services such as forensics, data processing, hosting, document review, legal operations and strategic account engagement. In addition, he managed all global services in North America, Europe, and India.

After nearly 13 years at UnitedLex, he rejoined Spencer Fane in October 2021 to build out their internal alternative legal services provider, or ALSP. Goodin called ALSPs the most disruptive force in the legal industry. “I’m not here to complain about law firms, but they’re just not really equipped to bring that kind of change to the market,” he said. “And alternative service providers can do that because they can take risks that a law firm may not want to take, they can be more creative, and more nimble with staffing, and that kind of stuff. I like attacking problems from different angles. When you’re outside of firms, you can get a little creative and be more aggressive on certain things.” Integreon CEO Subroto Mukerji said in a statement that Goodin was a key hire for the company.

“Integreon is known for the quality of our delivery and the depth of subject matter expertise within our teams,” he said. “With the addition of Phil and his experience as both a litigator and a services provider, we continue that tradition of setting the bar in the industry.” Goodin graduated with distinction from the University of Iowa College of Law. He is also a part-time adjunct professor of law, teaching legal and litigation operations and eDiscovery at the Northwestern University Pritzker School of Law, the company said.
