Enhanced speed and efficiency in
data abstraction and summarization through use of genAI


Large US manufacturing company


Summarization and abstraction of key data points across 40,000 documents within a tight timeline, without compromising accuracy


Integreon leveraged Leah Legal Copilot to create and validate the data model and to further streamline the summarization and abstraction process. A playbook was also developed to establish rules for summarization and data analytics, as well as to ensure consistency and accuracy.


The project successfully delivered a summary of more than 50 critical data points across the 40,000 documents within the stipulated timeline, meeting the company’s expectations. Furthermore, over 300 key terms were abstracted for data analysis, enabling the company to gain valuable insights from the vast amount of information.

Key Takeaways

By implementing a structured approach and leveraging technology, the company efficiently tackled the task of summarization and
abstraction, achieving the desired outcomes within the set timeline.