Big Hand Report 5 of 5

It’s no secret that technology, when applied correctly, can make our lives easier. Law firms have been notoriously slow in adopting technology over the past decade, but with increasing client demands and a shifting talent pool firms are ready for the ease that technology can bring.


BigHand’s recent report, “Leveraging People, Process and Technology to Accelerate change” states that an astounding 83% of respondents see their firm’s lawyers delegating tasks manually despite having a hybrid workforce. I applaud the effort that these attorneys use to keep track of and follow up on manually delegated tasks, because it must be exhausting. Thankfully, there is a better way!


The special thing about legal technology is that it is designed (often) by lawyers and (always) for lawyers. The folks who innovate in this space understand the unique challenges faced by law firms and create tools that support both the business and practice of law. With so many tools on the market and problems to solve, law firm leaders face the daunting task of choosing which hurdle to overcome first.


Enter: people.


Technology on its own is not the “easy” button we so often wish existed, and people, without technology, can be wildly inefficient. The two must come together for maximum benefit. Law firms are beginning to understand that having the right people in the right role is critical to the successful implementation and adoption of technology needed for better efficiency and client satisfaction. BigHand states that 63% of survey respondents have implemented technology to aid in the delegation and tracking of tasks. This is good news as workflow technology takes a large portion of manual effort off attorneys’ plates, thereby making their lives a little easier.


With the right people leveraging the right tools, law firm operations can transform to be more streamlined and effective for lawyers and clients alike.


Integreon’s experts can support your technology implementation projects and would love to learn more about your firm’s goals. Reach out today!
